Personal web site

This is the personal web site of Jiøí Nachtigall (nachtik) a web developer, graphics designer and computer fan. A place to showcase latest design achievements, graphic work, photos and other things of interests. You will also find information about my person and contact information here. launched - Kids shoes storeI'm happy to announce that I have launched another project, this time e-shop for store selling kids shoes in Prague 4 - Modrany. launched - free software licenseAfter very long time and months of inactivity I finally launched my latest project, where you can get free software license fully legal.

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ComicsMore comic series I have read and found very good, will come soon. I'll also add few previews to the published comics. Stay tuned.

Photos update

PhotosMore photo galleries from my latest holidays and documentation of my sport activities will be added as soon as possible.

Copyright © 2007-2017 Jiøí Nachtigall - All rights reserved. Free software license at